Last week was bulb planting week at several school gardens!
Red tulips were planted last week at Sampson, Copeland, Hamilton, and Hairgrove!
Students learned some great facts about bulbs this week! They compared the similarities and differences between bulbs and seeds and made predictions about when we would see the first bloom!
The cold weather made for perfect planting conditions as the tulips made the transition from spending the last 11 weeks in my refrigerator!
The boys and girls at Sampson made an exciting discovery while digging!
They uncovered several bulbs from last year that were beginning to sprout!
Now we wait and wonder…
What will the rest of winter bring…mild weather like December or colder? How quickly will our bulbs grow?
A big THANK YOU to Chris Wiesinger, owner of The Southern Bulb Co. , for his help in selecting the bulbs we planted, for getting our order shipped to us quickly so that the bulbs got the required chilling hours, and for answering our students very smart questions!